Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cheats

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game consoles and the Microsoft Windows operating system. Officially announced on February 11, 2009, the game was released worldwide on November 10, 2009. It is the sixth installment of the Call of Duty series and the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, continuing the same storyline, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 set to end the storyline.
However, while the working title 'Call of Duty 6' was used by Infinity Ward to refer to the game, an official statement from the company stated that "It would be incorrect to refer to 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' as Call of Duty 6". It was released in conjunction with two other Call of Duty games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Mobilized for the Nintendo DS, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex, a port of Call of Duty 4 adapted by Treyarch for the Wii console. In addition, a comic book series based on one of the game's characters was also produced, entitled Modern Warfare 2: Ghost.
Modern Warfare 2 has received positive reviews from various gaming websites, attaining a 94% aggregate score on Metacritic, with praise stemming primarily from its in-depth multiplayer component. Within 24 hours of release, the game sold approximately 4.7 million copies in North America and the United Kingdom. On August 3, 2011, Activision confirmed that the game had sold over 22 million copies worldwide and it is the second best-selling game of all time in both the UK and the U.S.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cheats

Full Feature List:
* Deadly Accurate Lock On Aimbot
* Autofire so bot fires for you with no delay
* Autoprone will put you in prone when fired at
* Full No Spread so all bullets hit dead on center
* Full 360 FOV Aimbot can even see behind you
* Bone Scan finds a bone to hit when the player hides
* Aim key can be set to use any aimkey you choose
* Head/Neck/Chest/Waist Kill Boxes for variations
* Select Enemies, Friends, or Everyone as your target
* Smooth Aim slows the movement to look natural
* Visibility Checks only locks on when player can be hit
* Target by closest to distance or closest to crosshair
* Knifebot will auto knife for you when close
* Skeleton shows the skeleton of the player models
* Smiley Face replaces players head with large smiley
* Weapons shows where dropped weapons are located
* Head dot puts a dot on the center of the enemy head
* Marked Heli, Planes, Sentries, RCXD & Explosives
* Name Tags show names of all friendlies and enemies
* Health Tags show health of all friendlies and enemies
* Visual Tags shows an icon or frame around enemies
* Distance Tags show the distance to enemies
* Smart Bounding Boxes with Colors
* Varying distances to allow you to see the entire map
* Auto zoom feature that zooms on aim
 2D Radar:
* Reveals enemy positions
* Shows player movement
* Show FPS show your frame rate inside the game
* Save over 3 cheat configurations in menu
* Move your menu anywhere on screen with mouse
* Chat Spammer to really make everyone mad
* Show Ping displays your ping on screen
* Show Time display the current time in game
* Enemy Aim Warnings to warn when your in danger

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Cheats

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games (Treyarch for the Wii version), with Raven Software having assisted in development. It is the third installment in the Modern Warfare series, a direct sequel to 2009's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the eighth Call of Duty installment.


Modern Warfare 3 Cheats


Full Feature List:
- NEW: Teleport Team: Teleport the entire team anywhere
- NEW: Teleport Enemy: teleport the enemy team anywhere
- NEW: Teleport All: Teleport everyone to any location
- NEW: Freeze Players: Make it so all players can’t move
- NEW: NoClip: Fly through walls out of the map, etc
- NEW: God Mode: Never die, taunt players all day
- NEW: Low Gravity: Float when you jump
- NEW: Force Host: Host every round of MP
- NEW: Unlimited Ammo: Never reload again
* Autobot let’s the bot kill for you
* AimKey hold down to lock on to the enemy
* Visibility Aimbot, only locks on when player can be hit
* BoneScan, Find a bone to hit when the player hides
* Knifebot, auto knife when in close
* AutoSwitch bot goes to next enemy on auto
* Autoshoot fires for you
* AutoWall fires when a bullet can go through the wall
* AutoZoom makes the gun zoom when aimed
* AutoProne makes you go prone when being shot at
* Field Of View adjust the aimbot to see 360
* Human Aim, makes you look like your not cheating
* Aim Speed can be set to slow or fast
* Ping Correction aimbot works better during low ping
* Friendly Aim let’s the bot aim at your team
* Name Tags, Show names of all friendlies and enemies
* Distance Tags, Shw how far away the enemy is
* Pose, shows what position the enemy is in
* Skeleton, shows the skeleton bones on the model
* Smiley Face, replaces enemy head with a giant smiley
* Weapon shows you weapons on the ground
* BoundingBox shows large box around the enemy
* Line shows a straight line from you to the enemy
* HeadDot shows a dot on the players skull
* Helicopter shows behind clouds, buildings, etc
* Plane shows behind clouds, buildings, etc
* Explosives shows any explosive
* Explosive warning tells you when to run away
* Enemy warning tells you when enemy aims at you
* 2D Radar shows you enemy on a radar
* No Recoil, gun does not move up when firing
* No Spread, all bullets hit dead center
* PlayerHud, have your own hack HUD
* Draw Stats, shows your kills and more
* Chat Spam, spam in the game
* Draw Fps, show your frame rates
* Draw Time, watch your current time
* Crosshair, places a perm crosshair on screen